CreativE Capitalism

Capitalism was always creative.
That´s nothing new to the world.
Business goes on as usual

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It is in our responsibility to create a world
in which our children and grandchildren can live.

Elites will survive - for always and ever.

Please note: These sites are new and under construction ! - Until now it is more or less a material collection.
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Elite Universities in USA

Havard University

Brown University

Columbia University

Princeton University

North American Union

The Bilderberg Group


established 1954

Georgia Guidestones - what is this ?

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000
in perpetual balance with nature.

Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.

Unite humanity with a living new language.

Rule Passion - Faith - Tradition -
and all things with tempered reason.

Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

Let all nations rule internally
resolving external disputes in a world court.

Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

Balance personal rights with social duties.

Prize truth - beauty - love -
seeking harmony with the infinite.

Be not a cancer on the earth -
 leave room for nature.

Is this - "sustainable development" ?
Are the "Guidestones" just a joke ?
What are the goals and objectives of the elites ?
Will war, epidemics, deseases, and hunger & poverty
eradicate the world population to a number
close to 500,000,000 ?

World leaders come from the world´s leading universities.
If you cannot be a leader -
at least you can learn to be one of 500,000,000 !
No matter what was at the beginning.
Join our digital nation now.
Our campus is located in Cuxhaven / Germany.

The raven stands for wisdom
Learn from History - Future is based on Tradition


Elite Universities in USA

Yale University

Cornell University

Dartmouth University

Uni of Pennsylvania

The Trilateral Commission

& Bones


Doc Ben Barber -
"Everything is connected in the modern global world"

The big challanges we face on the globe you cannot take nation by nation - people by people !
12 September is declaration of war to the sovereignty of all National States worldwide.

Do you find any poverty in Doc Barber´s video ?
Nope - of course not - he sells an illusion - a vision.

What does this mean ?
The American democrazy, free markets, capitalism failed - USA is bankrupt !
The only ones who succeeded in USA are the secret rulers of the globe:
The Bilderbergers, the Illuminati, the Trilateral Commission.
They have more money, media, military - and power - than ever.

 Since the Bilderbergers followed the emigrants to the United States of America -
after the Declaration of Independence from the United Kingdom 1776 -
 to get back their power and taxpayers the "Land of the FREE" has changed dramatically.
America will never be again what it was.

Mr. Barrack Obama President is a Bilderberg puppet

It all it will turn worse

I mean - I have been in the Seven Seas and all continents since 1964.
I have been in hundreds of countries - all living their sovereignties, cultures, religions, and currencies.
I could live with it all it - and I never found anybody who wanted war with me.
I do not know where the Bilderbergers find all the terrorists.
I do not need Dr. Benjamin Barber and his movement for anything.
I do not need Interdependence of UN, IMF, FED, NATO, WTO, WHO, WEF, etc.

The Bilderbergers now concentrate on the European Continent again.
North America is a big Continent but experts told the Bilderbergers:
Stay away from countries which you cannot control.
That´s why the Bilderbergers hop back across the pond to the European Continent and expand the Nato.

They rule the European Union and the Mediterranean Union and face the Middle East and Far East now
from the European Continent.

To rule the globe in three big economic blocks the Illuminati face since five centuries.

And they are on their best way.
Since Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben helped George Washington
to get the Independence of the first 13 States in USA a lot has happened.

The bankers, the corporations, the financial markets, the elites, the Global Players,
the big NGOs and big money grabbing foundations know exactly what they do.

Hundreds of German academics who studied and work in USA try to get back to Germany.

The fastfood and Mickey Mouse country is done - the European Union - the Mediterranean Union - "in".

(click the logo)

Will they help the Elites to conquer the Middle East and the Far East ?
I mention and I linked to the Elite Universities because too many alumni come from there
who work busy on the NEW WORLD ORDER - One World Government.

The next American president - whosoever it will be - will have to continue
with the globalists work on the North American Union, the European Union, and the Far East markets.

Are there any other solutions ?
Yes, there are.
Buy a domain from me and become a partner in my "digital Nation".


Ergebnisse 1 - 10 von ungefähr 193.000.000 für 9/11. (0,07 Sekunden)
Results 1 - 10 of about 2 million !

Truth - Think !
Not to go back too far let me start with WWI

Truth is: WWI happened
Truth is: WWII happened
Truth is: Vietnam happened
Truth is : 9/11 2001 happened
Truth is: War on Iraq happened
Truth is: War in Georgia happened
Truth is: Governments operate under false flag
Truth is: The Elites work on the NEW WORLD ORDER
Truth is: Privatization happens in all areas on all levels
Truth is: To find out the truth on 9/11 will not change anything
Truth is : Smoking bans by law is the very most important on EARTH !
(sorry, I am a tobacconist, smoker, pipe collector, aficionado)
Truth is: I cruise the planet since more than 40 years - and never found anybody who wanted war with me !

The Towers had to fall to raise the European Continent - Middle East - Dubai !

It is absolutely stupid to believe that the Elites in Dubai - the "Dubai-Managers" -
will ever accept to be surrounded by "International Terrorism".

It is also absolutely stupid that Russia will ever accept to be surrounded by the NATO.

Read more here: University of California Berkeley

and even here: UC-Berkeley-News - Laura Nader

One more word:
I am not influenced or indoctrinated by media, writers, or lobbyists
because I spent most of my life as a sailor in the world.

My teacher is the planet.

Who murdered J.F. Kennedy ?

Who murdered Martin Luther King?

Why Robert F. Kennedy had to die ?

If you knew it all - Would it change anything ?
Would the Bilderbergers give up their ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT - NEW WORLD ORDER ?

The bodies of dead civilians lie among mangled bicycles near Beijing's Tiananmen Square early June 4, 1989.
 Tanks and soldiers stormed the area overnight,
bringing a violent end to student demonstrations for democratic reform in China.

Be no cancer on earth !
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000
in perpetual balance with nature.

Nobody is interested in an academic underclass:

(click the screen and watch the video)

Hollywood goes Dubaillywood !

I attend the party:


Thanks for your time and interest in advance !

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Comments or questions? - Contact me
Copyright Rolf Osterndorff